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  • Research in Response to COVID-19

    The Research Compliance Office (IRB, SCRO, APLAC) is operating with a full staff and conducting protocol review business as usual. Incoming questions, help tickets or other support services are also being maintained.  

  • New OLAW COVID-19 Pandemic Contingency Planning Webpage for Animal Care and Use Programs

    崩坏3无限水晶版下载-崩坏3无限水晶版破解版安卓下载 ...:今天 · 崩坏3无限水晶版是一款二次元美少女动作手游,游戏画面设计得十分之精巧,给喜欢美少女的玩家提供了很好的机会。我们还可以为自己喜欢的角色换上衣服,拿起武器去战斗哦~感兴趣的小伙伴快来下载 …COVID-19 Pandemic Contingency Planning webpage. On this page, you will find OLAW's answers to commonly asked questions relating to animal care and use programs during the COaVID-19 pandemic, including how to conduct semiannual inspections, program reviews, and IACUC business while maintaining social distancing, and what new charges to your grant are acceptable to ensure animal well-being during the pandemic. They have also listed relevant websites, example disaster plans, OLAW guidance, and webinars. This page is dedicated specifically to COVID-19. they have another, more general page on Disaster Planning and Response Resources, but you’ll find only information specific to pandemics and COVID-19 on the new website. As the COVID-19 situation develops, they will post new information and guidance here.

  • AAALAC International 2018 Site Visit: Are You Ready?

  • Survey Results (2019-2020 Panel Year Q3 Results)

  • What’s New  - check out what's new at APLAC
  • 彗星加速器节点

The APLAC’s Mission

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Animal studies play a vital role in advancing science and finding new and improved ways of fighting serious diseases. Stanford University is committed to the responsible care and use of animals in research. Stanford complies with all federal and state regulations governing the humane care and use of laboratory animals, including the USDA Animal Welfare Act, and our Assurance of Compliance with PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The laboratory animal care program at Stanford is accredited by 彗星加速器免费版ios. We have made animal welfare a top priority in all of our research efforts.

Who oversees animal use at Stanford?

According to U.S. federal law, institutions that use laboratory animals for research or instructional purposes must establish an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to oversee and evaluate all aspects of the institution’s animal care and use program. At Stanford, the IACUC is appointed by the University Vice Provost and Dean of Research, and is known as the Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care (APLAC). Stanford’s APLAC membership is comprised of faculty, veterinarians, public members, students, and senior staff. The APLAC reports to the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research. The laboratory animal care program at Stanford is accredited by the AAALAC International.

How do I address the potential health risks associated with the use of animals?

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) is responsible for administering the Laboratory Animal Occupational Health Program (LAOHP). Mandated by federal requirements and external agencies, the primary goal of the LAOHP is to evaluate and, if necessary, address potential health risks associated with the use of animals in the research environment. Additionally, on this website, there is information regarding the risk of animal allergies when working with laboratory animals.

How do I submit an animal use protocol?

All research and teaching activities involving live or dead vertebrate animal use must be reviewed and approved by the APLAC prior to commencement of the activity. In order to obtain approval for your activities, you’ll need to complete and submit an electronic protocol application form, detailing your intended use of animals. In general, protocol applications received by the first of the month will be reviewed at the APLAC meeting that month. Please see the Panel Meeting Dates & Deadlines for a complete list of protocol submission deadlines and APLAC meeting dates.

Resolution of Animal Welfare Concerns

Any individual who has concerns related to the care and use of animals at Stanford University may contact the Veterinary Service Center (VSC) at (650) 723-3876 or the IACUC Compliance Manager at (650) 725-9834. Such reports may be made confidentially, and even anonymously, although the more information given, the easier it is to investigate the reports. Raising such concerns is a service to the University and does not in itself jeopardize employment. Stanford University and Animal Welfare Regulations (9 CFR § 2.32.c.4) prohibit retaliation of any kind against a person who, acting in good faith, reports a concern or a suspected violation of animal care and use regulations or standards. For further information, go to the Animal Welfare Concerns page.